We are still open for online consultations
During this period we all need to be mindful of how we come into physical contact with others. As a result we have developed a new online consultation service that will allow you to still access physiotherapy without the risk of face-to-face contact. To book an appointment you can book online, call us on 0161 748 4100, or send an email to [email protected].
Maintaining Safe Services
We are following current Government guidance and advice from our governing body to keep everyone safe. We ask that you review the following information before attending in-person appointments.
You will receive an online form to complete before each appointment, this allows us to meet required healthcare standards for maintaining safe services, it also gives you the opportunity to update us on your progress.
If you do not complete your screening form before each appointment then we may not be able to offer you face-to-face appointments or may cancel appointments that you have booked.
Measures in place
(updated 06-Apr-2022)
We are continuously working hard to ensure a safe environment for our service users and staff. You can see below measures we currently have in place to maintain our safe services:
- Online forms are sent out before each appointment to screen for COVID-19.
- In line with Government guidance we recommend that you take twice-weekly rapid lateral flow tests. If you are not taking regular tests then we request that you complete a test and have registered a negative result on the day of your appointment.
- People that are displaying symptoms of COVID-19, and those that have been in contact with somebody displaying symptoms of COVID-19 in the last 10 days, will be asked not to attend the clinic until the 10 days has passed.
- When an appointment is booked we will send out via email an online Intake Assessment Form which will allow you to give us some background clinical information and take you through initial COVID-19 screening. This not only saves time during your first appointment meaning more time for treatment will be available, but allows for the clinician to risk assess whether face-to-face treatment is currently indicated against the risk of COVID-19 transmission.
- We continue to follow 2 m distance guidance unless closer contact is required by the clinician to allow for assessment or treatment.
- We are limiting the number of people we have on the premises and request that you attend your appointment alone unless you require a chaperone or interpreter.
- If you drive to your appointment we request that you wait in your vehicle to be called in by a member of staff.
- We provide hand sanitiser at all entrances and request that this is used when entering the building.
- Staff will be wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). During your appointment the clinician will be wearing gloves, an apron, and a surgical mask. Patients are asked to wear a face covering during their appointment; this can either be a fabric mask or plastic visor that covers the nose and mouth. If you are exempt from wearing a face covering please discuss this with us when you book an appointment as it forms part of our risk assessment.